During election season , I wondered what my friends and other young people would have to say about it . I had in my mind what I knew , thought , believed and wanted . I was very intrigued to see what their take on the election season would be . I saw so many facebook posts about not only the presidential election , but the props as well .
It got me thinking ... If we all have such passionate opinions on the fate of our country , why are we not allowed to voice them . Oh yeah , that's right .. America doesn't give a shit yet . Yeah see , They wont care what we think until we are 18 years old . They seem to think that the age 18 adds a level of maturity that will allow us the emotional integrity to decide the fate of our country .. What they don't understand is that 18 is literally just an age . There may be some people that wake up on their 18th birthday with a sense of responsibility knowing that they will be held to a higher standard , everybody else wakes up just like every other day .
I began to think , I want to MAKE them give a shit ! When I actually started to think about it , I wanted every highschooler , from Sophmore to Senior , to be allowed to vote . Why you ask ? Because if you really think about it , any man / woman in office will be there for 4 years , that means their decisions directly effect our lives after we graduate and become 18 . The health care bills will effect us , gas prices , taxes , new laws , every thing effects our future . I find it fitting that we should get a say in the way our lives will be lived , and have to be lived .
I talked to a few adults and a few of my friends about it , and also looked it up online . Turns out the legal voting age fluxuates in different states and countries ; however , the federal law in the US is 18 . Although we do have some states who have chosen to lower their voting age to 17 , it doesn't include major elections , mainly the presidential elections . How pointless is that ?! The president makes the decisions on making or taking away laws , he stamps his approval on it at the end ... So why the hell shouldn't I be allowed to say who decides the next 2-3 years of my young adult life ?
I want to know how many young people out there wish that they had a say in what goes on in this country . And how many of you adults wish you had've had the right to do so when you were younger ? For me personally , I've run every aspect of my life since I could talk , I like at least feeling like my voice has been heard ..
Nelle ♥
Friday, March 15, 2013
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
High School
Can every one just agree that high school is just a pain in the ass ? Between the work , the drama , relationships , earning independence , the responsibilities .. That's just the average , but every teen has their very own trials and tribulations to add to that . Some have abusive parents , some have no parents , some are battling weight issues , some being bullied , some raising their siblings , some raising their own kids .
Believe it or not there are some kids who go through it all . For me , high school has been a series of horror stories . Freshman year , I started in Visions . I started off great , then last minute we got told we had to move in two weeks , less than a week before we had to be out our car broke down on the freeway and we had no transportation . We rented a U-Haul , got a storage , packed it as much as we could and put what wouldn't fit there into our useless car that sat in the parking lot of my moms school . We stayed in motels for about a week before we found a place to move into .
The day we looked at the place, not even 15 minutes before we met with the land lady , my school calls me telling me that they are scheduling an academic intervention because I haven't been doing my school work . Mind you , Visions is mostly electronic now , and the computer they gave me was sitting in a storage unit , 6 miles from our motel room . I decided then , they if they cant work with me under such circumstances , it wasn't even worth it .. And I stopped trying in school . Worst mistake of my life .
January of 2012 , I un-enrolled from Visions , and enrolled into Options . I walked in with 55 credits and a terrible disposition towards school in general . I am currently 84 credits away from graduating , and I've closed out every class I have taken in the past year with nothing less than a B- .
The point behind this whole story is that high school is shit . It's hard , it's unpleasant , nobody wants to do it . But the rewarding feeling you get when you're almost to the end , makes the entire experience worth it in the end . Although I have never gone to public high school , I have still endured my fair share of drama and BS . Between family problems , former friendships , relationships .
Being homeschooled does not by any means make high school easier , you just get to wake up later is all . I hate to see kids give up on school . I grant you , I have thought about it a couple times , but I know now , that it would have been my biggest mistake , and my biggest regret . It's not easy and it's not fun , but it's a stepping stone to something much bigger .
What people don't understand is that , our economy can't get any better unless we help it . What it needs is motivated young adults to get themselves through high school , and then through college , whether that be university , community , or vocational . To get in , get the tools they need to succeed and make their imprint on the world . I know to any one in high school , that seems far fetched and a long time from now , but it really isn't ! Our future is right around the corner , we just have to be will to make the turn <3
Nelle ♥
Believe it or not there are some kids who go through it all . For me , high school has been a series of horror stories . Freshman year , I started in Visions . I started off great , then last minute we got told we had to move in two weeks , less than a week before we had to be out our car broke down on the freeway and we had no transportation . We rented a U-Haul , got a storage , packed it as much as we could and put what wouldn't fit there into our useless car that sat in the parking lot of my moms school . We stayed in motels for about a week before we found a place to move into .
The day we looked at the place, not even 15 minutes before we met with the land lady , my school calls me telling me that they are scheduling an academic intervention because I haven't been doing my school work . Mind you , Visions is mostly electronic now , and the computer they gave me was sitting in a storage unit , 6 miles from our motel room . I decided then , they if they cant work with me under such circumstances , it wasn't even worth it .. And I stopped trying in school . Worst mistake of my life .

The point behind this whole story is that high school is shit . It's hard , it's unpleasant , nobody wants to do it . But the rewarding feeling you get when you're almost to the end , makes the entire experience worth it in the end . Although I have never gone to public high school , I have still endured my fair share of drama and BS . Between family problems , former friendships , relationships .
Being homeschooled does not by any means make high school easier , you just get to wake up later is all . I hate to see kids give up on school . I grant you , I have thought about it a couple times , but I know now , that it would have been my biggest mistake , and my biggest regret . It's not easy and it's not fun , but it's a stepping stone to something much bigger .
What people don't understand is that , our economy can't get any better unless we help it . What it needs is motivated young adults to get themselves through high school , and then through college , whether that be university , community , or vocational . To get in , get the tools they need to succeed and make their imprint on the world . I know to any one in high school , that seems far fetched and a long time from now , but it really isn't ! Our future is right around the corner , we just have to be will to make the turn <3
Nelle ♥
Monday, March 11, 2013
Hair & Such

Sometimes I get worried about how I will prepare for my salon , how I could ever afford it .. And then I remember anything is possible if you believe it to be true . Then I just get really anxious and try to speed time up so I can hurry up and be there already .

Anyways , I wanna know what the "IT" thing of 2013 is . What's the style for this year ? I also want to know who in the North Highlands area is willing to have their hair trimmed , braided , styled , curled , etc. by an unlicensed but pretty good 16 year old ... Ermm , me . I need men and women to add to my portfolio , even kids and teens , I do my nieces hair all the time .. not an easy task by ANY means .. But it gets done .

This has been my little hair post , just thought I'd let you all know how much I love doing hair <3 It's my life , it always has been and always will be . One day , I'll have my own salon .. And you're all welcome to come .. If you print out this blog post and show it to me I may even do your hair free ;)

NOTE: The pictures in the post are hair styles , cuts , or colors that I either did to myself , or by myself . I had no professional permission or assistance in these styles . These are all done off the top of my head .. This is my work <3
I will link you to my 'Hair' album on my FB page for proof .
Facebook album 'hair'
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Is it weird ?
Is it weird to have an adult best friend ? Unrelated of coarse , cause it's normal and very healthy to be close with the grown-ups in your family . I more mean , a man or woman who isn't otherwise connected to you becoming your best friend . Some one you go to with all your problems . This of coarse can get weirder depending on the age of the child/teen and the age of the adult , and it may change in certain peoples eye if the gender is different ..
But no . I have really found a best friend in a grown woman . I am 16 , she will be 34 this April . She has a son my age and a daughter a few years younger than us . She is the high school best friend of my boyfriend's mother , which is how I met her . She moved here with her son last year in March .. a couple weeks from now it will be a year . She was like hell on wheels . Loud , colorful , opinionated , fun , fierce , flirty , just a ball of awesome . She is funny , clumsy , a great cook , she is compassionate and heartfelt , helpful , and gives good advise . She will tell you how it is and if you don't like it ,"Tough shit!" . She don't give a damn ;)

I love to quote her , she has such comical a brash statements . She is a complete character all to herself , and I have loved every day of this last year with her . She has helped me through a lot . Problems with family , my relationship , other friend ships . She is never judgmental , she has been through so much in her life she feels as if she has no room to judge another person ( as any one should cause no one has room to judge ) . She is just amazing inside and out . She has been through hell and back and she finally had enough and broke down and cried to my boyfriend and I . I honestly didn't know how to handle it . My friends and family cry all the time , but SHE ... oh no . She was strong . One of the strongest women I know .
But you know what ? Everybody has their moments , and this was hers . She has been there for me through so much this past year . I just thought I would let her know that she is truly my best friend .
She had a baby at a young age , got married young , had another not long after . She is a great mom , raised two healthy , happy , strong willed kids , who are growing into a fine young man and woman .
I know this may sound kind of backwards coming from younger to older , but I am really fucking proud of her . She came back to California with nothing , she left her life , and anything that didn't fit in her jeep , back in GA and came here and made something of herself .

As I write this she is working on her degree is cosmetology , and will be graduating sometime early summer . Thank you Marinello for giving my best friend a new start and a brand new lease on life . I am always going to be there for her , they same way she is there for me <3
Plus , we got a matching tattoo ... So , this biotch is stuck with me forevaa (;
Nelle ♥
But no . I have really found a best friend in a grown woman . I am 16 , she will be 34 this April . She has a son my age and a daughter a few years younger than us . She is the high school best friend of my boyfriend's mother , which is how I met her . She moved here with her son last year in March .. a couple weeks from now it will be a year . She was like hell on wheels . Loud , colorful , opinionated , fun , fierce , flirty , just a ball of awesome . She is funny , clumsy , a great cook , she is compassionate and heartfelt , helpful , and gives good advise . She will tell you how it is and if you don't like it ,"Tough shit!" . She don't give a damn ;)

I love to quote her , she has such comical a brash statements . She is a complete character all to herself , and I have loved every day of this last year with her . She has helped me through a lot . Problems with family , my relationship , other friend ships . She is never judgmental , she has been through so much in her life she feels as if she has no room to judge another person ( as any one should cause no one has room to judge ) . She is just amazing inside and out . She has been through hell and back and she finally had enough and broke down and cried to my boyfriend and I . I honestly didn't know how to handle it . My friends and family cry all the time , but SHE ... oh no . She was strong . One of the strongest women I know .

She had a baby at a young age , got married young , had another not long after . She is a great mom , raised two healthy , happy , strong willed kids , who are growing into a fine young man and woman .
I know this may sound kind of backwards coming from younger to older , but I am really fucking proud of her . She came back to California with nothing , she left her life , and anything that didn't fit in her jeep , back in GA and came here and made something of herself .

Plus , we got a matching tattoo ... So , this biotch is stuck with me forevaa (;
Nelle ♥
stand strong,
Thursday, March 7, 2013
What do you classify as a real relationship ? I can guarantee that half of the things that people would settle for are NOT real relationships , they are disgraceful to those of us who know what they want and how to give and demand respect in a relationship . In this same way , a lot of people don't understand there is a difference between 'dating' and being in a 'relationship' . Just because you hold hands , you text all day , you make out , go to the mall together , hell .. you can even be fucking .. If there's no title there's NO RELATIONSHIP . There's no such thing as , 'oh a title doesn't make or break us' bitch please . A title is the difference between their YOURS and you haven't claimed it , so it's any bodies game . This happens to females more than males , only because males recognize when their own game is being spit at them . Women get to swept up in sweet texts and emotions to see the bigger picture . Not always mind you , I do have some male friends that are always the ones getting fucked over and some female friends who are the 'hit it and quit it' types , but those are rare .. just sayin' . If you wanna say you're in a real relationship , there has to be COMPLETE trust . No secrets , no lies , no back stabbing , nothing . They have to be able to trust you with their lives , their secrets , and their heart . Second biggest thing , communication . I know from recent events in my own relationship , that we are starting to lack communication , but we caught it quick and we know it's something we have to work on to maintain a strong and healthy relationship . Compassion is another big thing in a relationship . Everybody wants to feel important , appreciated , and listened to . Everyone does , and every one needs that , it helps us maintain a sense of self and it keeps us motivated . I don't believe in friends with benefits nor do I believe in taking 'breaks' . Saying 'we should take a break' is a smart persons way of saying "I'm leaving you but you can think we are getting back together some time in the near future" . Honestly , if your relationship cant handle the argument that brought about the 'break' , you should stay separated , cause if you can't over come the little things , your future is hopeless . Another thing that is unacceptable when it comes to relationships ... REVENGE .... Don't do it ! If your partner does something fucked up to you , let karma get them .. Karma's a BITCH .. believe me . Example , if you get cheated on .. you have 2 options , #1 , leave them .. tell them you don't tolerate cheating and that it's over and move on . Or #2 , get the fuck over it . Accept the fact that it happened , there's nothing you can do about it , ensure it will never happen again , and get over it . Retaliation is not an option , revenge is not an option , holding it against them for the duration of your relationship is not an option , and using the fact that it happened once as an excuse to leave them months or years after it happened .. well , you just look like an idiot . A relationship takes effort and agreement on both ends , compromise and love . If you feel like it's all on you or if your lover is telling you they need something from you , it would do you good to listen . Be that couple every one is striving to be like , that people are amazed to find out you're still together , the one who is just as happy in their own home , as they are out in public ... Be . Happy <3
Nelle ♥
Nelle ♥
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Body art

I love my newest tattoo , I say newest cause I have more , and I got it done with my best friend/other mom . These two women have been there for me more than I can imagine or explain , and I am forever thankful for that . Trial and error is the best way to understand your strengths and weaknesses . For example , we discovered yesterday that there is a reason people don't often get tattoo's on their palm skin , it is very tough skin and doesn't like to take well to tattoo ink .
I've been ridiculed for my tattoo's , gotten into fights over them . I've had fucked up tattoo's , but you know what ? I don't now and nor will I ever regret my tattoo's . They are a direct representation of who I am as a person , and they all have more meaning to me than you can imagine . I have three tattoos , (I'll post pictures below) , and I couldn't imagine covering or removing them . I am honestly happy to see more acceptance of body art in occupation and media . Piercings and tattoos , to me , are just another fashion statement , an expression of individuality . It's not different that than the way a person walks, talks, dresses, or even does their hair .
I mean for as common as it is now , it used to be unusual for people to have purple hair , or orange hair , or neon pink hair , now it's just the usual . Even the elementary kids have it these days . I think people spend too much time judging something that it is none of their business and is far beyond their control .

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