Friday, March 15, 2013

Fight for your right .. Your right to fight !

During election season , I wondered what my friends and other young people would have to say about it . I had in my mind what I knew , thought , believed and wanted . I was very intrigued to see what their take on the election season would be . I saw so many facebook posts about not only the presidential election , but the props as well .
It got me thinking ... If we all have such passionate opinions on the fate of our country , why are we not allowed to voice them . Oh yeah , that's right  .. America doesn't give a shit yet . Yeah see , They wont care what we think until we are 18 years old . They seem to think that the age 18 adds a level of maturity that will allow us the emotional integrity to decide the fate of our country .. What they don't understand is that 18 is literally just an age . There may be some people that wake up on their 18th birthday with a sense of responsibility knowing that they will be held to a higher standard , everybody else wakes up just like every other day .
I began to think , I want to MAKE them give a shit ! When I actually started to think about it , I wanted every highschooler , from Sophmore to Senior , to be allowed to vote . Why you ask ? Because if you really think about it , any man / woman in office will be there for 4 years , that means their decisions directly effect our lives after we graduate and become 18 . The health care bills will effect us , gas prices , taxes , new laws , every thing effects our future . I find it fitting that we should get a say in the way our lives will be lived , and have to be lived .
I talked to a few adults and a few of my friends about it , and also looked it up online . Turns out the legal voting age fluxuates in different states and countries ; however , the federal law in the US is 18 . Although we do have some states who have chosen to lower their voting age to 17 , it doesn't include major elections , mainly the presidential elections . How pointless is that ?! The president makes the decisions on making or taking away laws , he stamps his approval on it at the end ... So why the hell shouldn't I be allowed to say who decides the next 2-3 years of my young adult life ?
I want to know how many young people out there wish that they had a say in what goes on in this country . And how many of you adults wish you had've had the right to do so when you were younger ? For me personally , I've run every aspect of my life since I could talk , I like at least feeling like my voice has been heard ..

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