How do you wear your hair ? Long , short , curly , straight , wavy , coarse , thin , soft , rough , natural , braided , processed , colored , bleached ? There's so many ways to wear hair . So many styles , endless possibilities .. Isn't it fantastic ? Or is that just me ?.. Cause I'm a hair fanatic ! (:

Hair fascinates me , it intrigues me in every way . Hair is what I do ... literally . I am a hair dresser in training . My dream is to graduate high school early , get into Marinello School of Beauty , get my cosmetology license , and open up my own salon . I will call it 'Legacy' , because it's that exactly .. I am continuing my great aunt's legacy <3
Sometimes I get worried about how I will prepare for my salon , how I could ever afford it .. And then I remember anything is possible if you believe it to be true . Then I just get really anxious and try to speed time up so I can hurry up and be there already .

I am proud of the work I have done over the years .. although only in the past year or so have I been smart enough to take pictures and put together a portfolio .. I am not a smart cookie . I will post pictures of some of my work , from cuts , to dye jobs , and even braids . I know it may look bad using my blog as publicity for my hair business , but , hey ! This my damn blog ! Don't like it ? Don't read ;)
Anyways , I wanna know what the "IT" thing of 2013 is . What's the style for this year ? I also want to know who in the North Highlands area is willing to have their hair trimmed , braided , styled , curled , etc. by an unlicensed but pretty good 16 year old ... Ermm , me . I need men and women to add to my portfolio , even kids and teens , I do my nieces hair all the time .. not an easy task by ANY means .. But it gets done .

A persons hair says a lot about them , it can make or break their confidence , and accent a look . Hair does so much more for you than you could ever know . Maybe if people are really nice and leave me lots of response comments , I will do a post about proper hair care , and the products I use for my hair . Hair is a beautiful thing that most people take for granted . Hair is a privilege people ! Remember that .

Have you ever had one of those moments , where you wish what you were doing would never end ? Like you could do it til you died and never grow weary of it's presence . That's how I feel when I do hair . No matter what I'm doing . Even putting my little sisters hair into a pony tail is a happy moment for me . I love to experiment with my hair , and I love it when others like to experiment with their hair and involve me (:
This has been my little hair post , just thought I'd let you all know how much I love doing hair <3 It's my life , it always has been and always will be . One day , I'll have my own salon .. And you're all welcome to come .. If you print out this blog post and show it to me I may even do your hair free ;)

NOTE: The pictures in the post are hair styles , cuts , or colors that I either did to myself , or by myself . I had no professional permission or assistance in these styles . These are all done off the top of my head .. This is my work <3
I will link you to my 'Hair' album on my FB page for proof .
Facebook album 'hair'
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