Saturday, November 30, 2013

Fluff the Holidays !

I am already sick of the holidays ... I'm sick of seeing it , I'm sick of hearing about it , and most of all I'm sick of being involved in them ... All I hear is Christmas songs and commercials , Facebook posts , even the decorations and the black Friday sales .. SHUT UP !
I have never been a fan of holidays honestly .. You spend entirely too much money on candy for halloween , more food than you can actually eat for thanks giving , and then you throw yourself into insane crowds of people on black Friday so you can spend money you don't have on presents that your kids dont need because "tis the season" right ..?
The whole concept is fucking annoying . Having to sit around and pretend to like people you only see like 4 times a year , just because of the fucking calendar month .. So obnoxious .... It's not worth the time , energy , or money that everybody wastes on these fucking days .. they are JUST days on the calendar ..
Like the DAY after Turkey day ... we start X-MAS decorations .... Fucking forreal ..?
It's not even Dec yet and I have Christmas carols stuck in my head ... Not to mention ... It's called CHRIST-mas ... Jesus wasn't born anywhere near winter ignorant fuck tards xP
Read your bible , do some history , and TURN OFF THE CHRISTMAS MUSIC !

Sunday, November 24, 2013


(Explicit warning : I am ranting and thus , my language will probably stray from decent .. If you don't like it kindly GET THE FUCK OFF MY BLOG...)

The amount of stupidity I have been around and witnessed lately is just unreal ! I can't even comprehend the amount of stupid that tends to run through the veins of humanity .. Honestly . Got people over here who are wasting their money to the point that they are broke , then turn around and buy expensive and unnecessary shit with credit .. Great so you're going to be broke AND have bad credit .. Forgive me as I laugh when you fall on your ass ! Some might ask why I would be so cruel after being in a situation in which being broke and have fucked credit occurred . Why ? Because it only happened cause I had no control ! I would have never been so irresponsible and stupid with my money , and even if I was I would not , then , go and buy a bunch of shit on credit and fuck myself even more . So congratulations .. at the rate you're going you're kid will be pissed at you and homeless living with extended family or significant others struggling to finish high school .. Moving on .
More stupidity , parents who don't help out their kids .. Yes , my biological father and I have issues . I am , and always will be pissed at him . He is a fucked up individual for many reasons that would take probably 300 blog posts to explain .. Never the less , he has this insatiable need to be right all of the time . He is condescending and flat ass bad in the "dad" department . For example , I decided I was done dealing with his bs when he told me straight to my face that between me and my former step mother we "ruined his life" . I was DONE at this point . When you have gotten so low as to blame your child and the woman YOU wanted to marry and YOU put all your time and money into for your life being fucked up ... No .. just no .
Any how , I had asked him to do a simple favor for me .. Just ONE fucking thing , considering he has done almost nothing for me in the 12 years he has known me . And he wont do it .. Not that he can't he just doesn't want to .. Why ?  Because I've been "ignoring" him for a year . NEWSFLASH: when someone says their done with you , that means done , over finished , fuck off . Not to mention he made NO effort what so ever , until my birthday , to speak to me either . He sent me a text on my birthday after almost a year of not speaking and I'm supposed to be excited ? No .. Fuck you dude . I will do it ALL myself just like I've always had to cause you're a good for nothing , dead beat , piece of shit excuse for a father .. I only hope that my baby brother doesn't have to learn that the hard way like me..
Moral of the story , if you leave your kids in the cold , they will leave your ass to die alone . No  one can handle stupid forever .. Every one has a BS level that can't be passed .
DON'T be stupid w/ your finances , and DON'T be a piece of shit parent . Fuck .

Friday, November 22, 2013

Starting over... All over again

Recent weeks have been hard and stressful . I had to move on the shortest notice , I lost half my things, some are in storage , only my clothes and important papers are here . I am stable and I am happy , but I am an emotional wreck . I have mixed emotions and feelings about almost everything right meow .. Yes , I just said right meow ... deal with it !
Any how , I am now living with my boyfriend in his parents' house with his 3 sisters . I love his family more than anything , they have been there for me through a hell of a lot ..
I can't lie , I miss my house , my space , my kitties , and even (at moments) miss my mom .. I don't know . I know it was coming , but it was just delayed for so damn long , that some how I convinced myself it would never happen , wow was I wrong !
I had to move my whole life before school started the next week /:
Then the day after I get sick and stayed sick for two days , that was not a helping factor .. I was , and still kind of am , moody .. I just , yeah .. I know this is probably the LEAST organized post I've written , but that's because normally I have a plan , an outline , or at least know prior to writing almost every word I will write , this ..? This is just straight thoughts , exactly what I felt or am feeling , I'm putting into words .
As if high school isn't hard enough , not to mention stressful , I had to add moving to it ..
The sad thing was , about a week before halloween every one was posting 'then&now' pics of their halloween costumes from Freshman to Senior year .. I racked my brain for a good hour trying to figure out why I couldn't remember what I was that year .. Why ?  Because I spent halloween night moving from Rocklin to a motel 6 in North Highlands .. WITH NO CAR !
Welp , my first and last year of HS on halloween night are the same thing .. I was dressed as a stressed out teen who doesn't know what to do or where to put my stuff at .
I know this sounds kinda ranty and sort of like I am just bitching , but you know .. I am only writing so the thought is out some wheres .. and I feel that going through the shit life that I have will help me help other people . People will always tell you "I understand" "I get it" but some things ... If you haven't LIVED it .. you don't know shit about how that person feels . Being a homeless teen , especially more than once ... that's one of those things .
So , if anyone has dealt with any of the things that I just listed , feel free to talk to me , cause I've lived it ..<3