Thursday, March 7, 2013


What do you classify as a real relationship ? I can guarantee that half of the things that people would settle for are NOT real relationships , they are disgraceful to those of us who know what they want and how to give and demand respect in a relationship . In this same way , a lot of people don't understand there is a difference between 'dating' and being in a 'relationship' . Just because you hold hands , you text all day , you make out , go to the mall together , hell .. you can even be fucking .. If there's no title there's NO RELATIONSHIP . There's no such thing as , 'oh a title doesn't make or break us' bitch please . A title is the difference between their YOURS and you haven't claimed it , so it's any bodies game . This happens to females more than males , only because males recognize when their own game is being spit at them . Women get to swept up in sweet texts and emotions to see the bigger picture . Not always mind you , I do have some male friends that are always the ones getting fucked over and some female friends who are the 'hit it and quit it' types , but those are rare .. just sayin' . If you wanna say you're in a real relationship , there has to be COMPLETE trust . No secrets , no lies , no back stabbing , nothing . They have to be able to trust you with their lives , their secrets , and their heart . Second biggest thing , communication . I know from recent events in my own relationship , that we are starting to lack communication , but we caught it quick and we know it's something we have to work on to maintain a strong and healthy relationship . Compassion is another big thing in a relationship . Everybody wants to feel important , appreciated , and listened to . Everyone does , and every one needs that , it helps us maintain a sense of self and it keeps us motivated . I don't believe in friends with benefits nor do I believe in taking 'breaks' . Saying 'we should take a break' is a smart persons way of saying "I'm leaving you but you can think we are getting back together some time in the near future" . Honestly , if your relationship cant handle the argument that brought about the 'break' , you should stay separated , cause if you can't over come the little things , your future is hopeless . Another thing that is unacceptable when it comes to relationships ... REVENGE .... Don't do it ! If your partner does something fucked up to you , let karma get them .. Karma's a BITCH .. believe me . Example , if you get cheated on .. you have 2 options , #1 , leave them .. tell them you don't tolerate cheating and that it's over and move on . Or #2 , get the fuck over it . Accept the fact that it happened , there's nothing you can do about it , ensure it will never happen again , and get over it . Retaliation is not an option , revenge is not an option , holding it against them for the duration of your relationship is not an option , and using the fact that it happened once as an excuse to leave them months or years after it happened .. well , you just look like an idiot . A relationship takes effort and agreement on both ends , compromise and love . If you feel like it's all on you or if your lover is telling you they need something from you , it would do you good to listen . Be that couple every one is striving to be like , that people are amazed to find out you're still together , the one who is just as happy in their own home , as they are out in public ... Be . Happy <3

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