Friday, April 11, 2014

My life story .. and you wonder why Im so messed up .. Part three

This post might hit the feels a little bit ..

So , after the Erika thing went south , I had to move in with my dad and his wife and kids . I had been avoiding going over there as much as possible because of the things that went on over there , but after we moved into the area , my mother started forcing me to go over there more . Since she was blind sighted by the move , she had no where to go , and thus no where to put me .. So I lived with him for months w/o a break .. I shared a room with the younger two kids at first , then with one of my older sisters . Life there was less than ideal . The babies always got what ever they could whine their way into , and the two mid-oldest were the rebel kids . One was always in trouble and the other was so bad , they didn't even bother to punish her cause she didn't give a fuck what they said any ways . My oldest sister was left with the responsibility of raising us at least 80% of the time , cause our parents .. Well , they weren't ever there , but that wasn't new or shocking .. It was like that pretty much from the time they first got together . I remember a lot of weekends where I saw a whole lot of my sister running the house and not a whole lot of the adults at all . After a while , I stopped giving my sister such a hard time and started helping her take on the responsibility cause , no teen should have to do that alone .. not with 5 kids . But , when she turned 18 , she dipped . She couldn't handle the pressure they were putting on her , and honestly I can't blame her . There's a reason I didn't ever go over there .. that was one of the big ones .
Another big reason I stopped going over there .. I started to feel like some of the way that my father interacted with us kids , especially us girls , was just flat out inappropriate .. He was constantly tickling us , grabbing us , popping our bra straps , etc . It started with little things like that , things that wouldn't even normally cross your radar .. But then it started to get , different . Every morning he would want each one of us kids to INDIVIDUALLY go into his room in the morning and say hi to him once he woke up . Mind you , he slept naked , and all that was between us was a thin sheet . He would make us lay down and cuddle with him , talk to him . He would start messing with us and tickling us which we were uncomfortable with , but he told us we were over reacting and that it wasn't optional . Every week it seemed to get a little worse . He started commenting on how we'd "grown" and he was in no way referring to our height .. He would force us to sit on his lap , and kiss him on the lips . (against my will I might add cause I never grew up w/ kissing being a greeting so I thought it was weird as fuck , especially with him)
I remember one day , he wanted to talk to me ... In his room .. I have no idea why considering the house was empty as I can remember . He laid down and told me to lay with him . I told him no , and he looked at me mean . He repeated himself . I told him that I didn't really feel like laying down and I sat on the end of his bed . He pulled me up to the pillows forcing me to lay down with him . He then tried to cover me with his blankets , I told him no that it was too hot , he ignored me . I would periodically try to throw the blankets off me and he would force them back on me . He started to doze off mid-convo and I decided that this was my only chance to get away from him .. So I waited for him to fully fall asleep , while I was sweating buckets under his thick ass blanket , and I snuck out as quietly as I could .. I was paralyzed . I couldn't believe that I just had to escape from my dad's bedroom like a scared victim from their potential murderer . I felt betrayed , like I couldn't trust him , and I stayed scared from then on . Things like this kept happening over and over , but I just kept telling myself that it was all in my head .. Finally , I grew some balls and asked my sisters about it .. They told me that not only had they experienced this abuse , but extended female family and friends had as well .. I wont share their stories , cause they aren't mine to tell but .. I assure you , they don't get any better or easier to hear . To this day , I am more hurt than any thing .. In life you should , if no one else , be able to trust your two biological parents .. And yet one was inappropriately invading my personal space . I asked my step mom if she would talk to him for me , but to my knowledge , she never even tried .. So I got fed up and sat him down . I told him that I , along with others , were done being sexually assaulted by him , that he needed to keep his hands to him self , no more kissing on the mouth , no more grabbing of body parts , no more sitting on his lap and being in the room while hes naked under a thin sheet . I laid out for him my ground rules and told him I would ruin him if he didn't change .
In the most oblivious and deniable way he told me that he was a grown man , I had no right to tell him what to do , there was nothing wrong with his actions , and I had no witnesses to back me up ..

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