Thursday, January 16, 2014

Senior In Need !

Okay so, I don't want to be ranty or whiney, I don't want to come off entitled or give you some sob story.. But I do need help.
As any one who reads my blogs knows, I lost my home around halloween time, I had spent from August, til then looking for work to try and avoid losing my home , but I guess it just wasn't meant to be... I packed my things after the landlord asked us to leave, and I moved in with my boyfriends family . I am thankful that they had space for me and were willing to take me on , although I knew the transition would not be easy. School became harder , and making plans became harder because I used to just share a car with my mom , and now I didn't have a car I could drive and both of his parents work . Recently , as some in our household became sick , transportation has gotten increasingly more difficult , and I am unsure of when things will change ..
As some of you also know , I have a psychotic and almost inbearable couple of family members on the paternal side .. My great grandmother was sweet enough to put away $100 savings bonds for each of us kids.. but because my cousins' parents spent their kids' money or let the kids spend it prior to being 18 , my grandmother began not to trust the adults in the family and rather than putting my bonds in a bank , she kept them in her dresser and told me she would personally hand them to me the day I turned 18 .. Unfortunately my amazing GG past away June of 2012 .. RIP . My grandmother and I, the father's day following her mother's death, got into an insane arguement over facebook in which she tried to imply that I was a terrible kid for not posting about my dad that day (even though he didnt get on FB) and that my mom was a "lying crazy person" and a "prostitute".. When I proceeded to tell her that I was going to take my mother and fathers word about their relationship over hers, she became fucking furious and went nuts on me.. So I discontinued contact .. Of coarse now , who would be left the house but her ... and I can't acquire my bonds ..
Sad part #2 .. My aunt has a nice used car of hers that her husband poored $6,000+ into , that she is willing to sell me for $1,000 flat .. And I can't get it . I know it's a lot to ask to suggest that strangers fund my life .. But I'm at the end of my rope here .. I busted my ass for months to get a job .. Applied every where I could either walk to of take RT to , but no one responded , I showed up to a lot of places and still nothing , If you look on my facebook account and portfolio page , you will see that I have been actively trying to get hair clients to make money , and I have been posting tons of pictures , and I haven't recieved any clients ..
I got my license in June , and I feel like I could be so much more helpful and useful to this household if I was mobile ..
It's hard enough being separated from my mom , trying to finish high school , and trying to find a job , while trying to plan my life after graduation , making plans for college and my career .. I need just need one glimmer of hope .. Please , even if you can't donate , share it every where you can ? To try and spread the word .. It would be insanely and greatly appreciated <33

(if you are going to donate , my mom and I have an account on ..

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