So I had a long conversation with my uncle not too long ago , one that really resonated with me. He is a football coach , but in a lot of ways that makes him like a mentor . Think of any thing you've been coached on , that person becomes some one you look up to for advise and support. He told me that he had some key pieces of information that helped him, things he wished he knew when he was my age. These are some of the things I am going to share right now .
I had already planned to make 2015 a positive year. The last couple years have been hell on me and they have really taken their toll physically, emotionally, and mentally . I haven't been in control of really any aspect of my life other than small choices I make daily. But this upcoming year .. It will be completely different. This year, I am an adult and every choice is my own. I deside my own life , choices , and future . Here are some tips he gave me:
1. Always give . GIVE , GIVE , GIVE ! Even if you have next to nothing and it feels like you have nothing to offer .. Still give. Whether you believe in karma or not , give . Dont give with the intention of receiving , give with the intention of changing someones life. What may seem like nothing to you , could literally be all it takes to save a life. If you think that means only finances and money. You're dead wrong. Of coarse , money is always helpful but sometimes money isn't what a person wants or needs. A few good ways to give more in 2015 ..
- Go in your closet and flip all your hangers facing out . By June , any hanger still facing out , give that article of clothing away to a homeless shelter or a Goodwill .
- Take an extra $20 for your monthly or weekly food budget and buy sandwhich fixings .. Make some sandwhiches and pass them out where ever you see a homeless person or community. It may feel like nothing really to you. But showing them that some one cares could be all they need to keep pushing forward.
- Next time you go out to fast food or drinks (Mc Donalds , Starbucks ) or even gas . put an extra $5 towards the next person's purchase. Its small and simple , but in the long run it makes all the world of difference.
The next thing he told me was a little harder to hear and accept , and may also be harder to put into practice. I naturally am the type to turn down help even knowing I need it. Especially when it comes to taking money or expensive gifts , its hard for me to take them. This is a habit I really need to break. Why ? Because the next rule is ;
2. Take (Ask). Take what you need and never be afraid to ask for what you need. So many of us will let ourselves run totally dry before we will allow another person to help. Why? Some where between human pride and fear of rejection , this concept is uncomfortable for us, but the phrase , "a closed mouth never gets fed" , it's a serious statement. No one can read your mind and see into your hearts desire . If you need something the only way to get it is to ask. Another thing is , don't always look at it as "taking" but more as receiving . Never turn down something another person tries to give you. Just as we are afraid to ask for more , some people fear giving what they have because they may feel that it isn't enough and don't want to be turned down . never deny someone the blessing of being able to give .. Some times they just need to give , and turning them down is showing them that their offering is inadequate .
3. Make a dream board or a goal board. I know this sounds like a clishe teenage girl thing to do , but think about it this way. Every one has dreams and goals . Its also been proven that we tend to remember things better if we associate them with something else important to us. A dream board shows exactly what you want and is a visual reminder of why you want it. A good idea of how to add to it , is to thing of 3 main reasons why that dream is important to you and how accomplishing that goal would be beneficial in the long run . A goal with no purpose behind it is simply a thought. Make your dreams a reality . Focus , think , apply .
These are just a few of the things he shared with me (in my own words of coarse) , and I thought that others might be inspired by these thoughts as well (:
If even just a fraction of our population could be like this , the world would be a better place !
-Nell 🎵
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