Monday, May 5, 2014

Parents or Givers of Life ??

Now before you all just assume I'm an angry teenager that hates their parents simply for the fact that I'm young and want to do things my own way .. First of all , I don't allow closed minded fucks on my page , so gtfo .. Second , You have no idea the kind of parents I've had and encountered .. So just stay with me .

I understand that no one is perfect , becoming a parent cannot instantly make you perfect .. But , you need to understand that your choices aren't your own any more . Every thing you do has to be with your child in mind , because every thing you do affects them . I'm about to go through a bullet point list of what not to do as a parent just based on experiences with me and my friends .. (I will not use any names or expose identities .. I swear . That's not my business to tell .)

*Physical reprimanding is acceptable (Otherwise known as Spanking) , it is not okay to leave bruises , marks , or scars on your child . Nor is it okay to do it so often that your kids become jumpy with the expectant of being beat .

*If your child (of same or opposite gender) feels you are being inappropriate in some manner , you need to stop what ever the fuck it is you are doing to make them uncomfortable . Especially if said child can give you a specific list of what they are not okay with . You do not have the right to tell them that they are liars and you can do what ever the fuck you want . I know from personal experience how humiliated and violated you feel , by the person you are supposed to be able to put all your trust in .. your parent .

*If you are dating some one that your kid(s) hate , that abuses them (physically , emotionally , mentally , sexually , etc) or that constantly disrespect you in front of them , and you stay with them , or worse pick them over your child , YOU are a bad fucking parent . When you make the dedication to have a kid , you are saying that for the rest of their life (or at the VERY least until they turn 18) you are promising to put their needs above yours at all costs . If you pick any person over your child while they are still dependent on you , you are a shit parent . Relationships come and go , you will NEVER get a second chance to raise your kids right and show them they can trust you .

*You cannot by any circumstance what so ever be a good parent while on drugs . Period . You are not only breaking the law , you are putting your child's safety in jeopardy , and risking the factor that they may lose you forever (either by jail or death) . You are not fully aware and alert nor are you by any means a good role model . Get clean , or give them up to some one who is .

*Do not ever , EVER threaten your child's life . Not even as a joke . That whole , "I brought you into this world , I can take you out" thing is total fucking bullshit .. Whether you understand it our not , that traumatizes a child . To hear the person they are supposed look up to , and trust to keep them safe not only wants them dead , but dead at their hand ? No . It's simply unacceptable . Don't say it when your're angry , don't say it when your joking .. Just don't .

Last but not least:

*If you are financially unstable , you are instantly a bad parent . If you can't afford and provide for your baby , you just shouldn't have one . I know things happen .. And that's fine , but step the fuck up . Do not make your baby go with out , that is beyond unfair to them . If you can't keep a roof over their heads , clothes on their back , and food in their stomach .. You are an unfit parent . PERIOD .

These are just some of the few circumstances that literally describe the life of me and my closest peers . Sadly , most of these categories applied to every one of us ..
Being alive is hard enough , being a parent is harder .. I know , I had to grow up waay faster than I should've to raise kids I didn't even carry and push out . It was total bullshit . But at a young age I learned .. They don't understand what's going on the way that I do , and they probably wont for years . All they will remember was who was there , and who wasn't .. And I didn't want to be one of the many on the side that weren't there . So I sucked it up , I sacrificed , and I did what the fuck I had to do so THEY could have the childhood I didn't get , because if I had the choice I would want some one to have been there to rescue me ...

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